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You're Not My Jesus!

Writer: Steven McFaddenSteven McFadden

Updated: Jul 22, 2023

Often, kid’s play sessions will devolve into arguments and squabbles. After all, they must deal with anger, jealousy, and selfishness just like we do, and they have had far less practice. One of the things that you often hear when a kid gets a little too bossy is, “You can’t tell me what to do! You’re not my dad or mom!” It’s interesting that you hear many different kids appeal to this same sentiment so often. It reveals a glimpse of the psychology of a child. They understand that they should be obedient, but that their obedience is allegiant to their parents. They know that their parents have that role and function. When others order them to do things, it is perceived as a threat to this fundamental established dynamic that helps structure their world.

Paul appeals to this same concept in Colossians 2. He warns them and us to not let people take us captive by philosophy, deceit, or by human tradition. Why? He goes on to explain why we are allegiant to Christ. These are his reasons distilled into a list:

  • Jesus is God and is the ultimate authority.

  • He caused you to become one of God’s people. (He performed your spiritual circumcision.)

  • He is the one who met the legal demands for your sins so that you can receive full forgiveness.

  • He put to shame our accusers and those who would love to see him and us fail by triumphing over them in the cross.

He reminds us why we should make sure that we are not being deluded by ideas that do not originate from Christ. Nobody has more authority over us than Christ, and you do not owe anybody more than you owe Christ! Your goal is to please him by lining up yourself with his teachings and his heart. When human ideas and tradition try to creep in and steal your allegiance, you should quickly and unashamedly recoil from those things and proclaim, “You don’t tell me what to do! You’re not my Jesus!” This is why it is so important to root yourself in Christ so that you will quickly recognize when ideas and teachings do not line up with him.

From Your Fellow Servant,

Steven McFadden



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