Hebrews 10:14
For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified.
In this single verse, we see a succinct description of the New Covenant. However, the sad reality is that many would not recognize it as such, because of the toll of deception and confusion that has taken on our theology over the years.
Let's briefly break down what the author says; Jesus paid the price for justification on the cross. This is the proclamation of righteousness that allows us to meet God's standards and therefore have life for eternity. This is what he means by saying "perfected for all time." Notice who is being justified. Those who are being sanctified. Those who are becoming more holy or becoming more like god. It's those that receive this justification.
This pursuit of holiness is much of our side of the covenant God has made with us. In John 15, Jesus illustrates this by saying those who do not produce fruit will be cut away or removed. These are those who do not pursue sanctification and therefore do not maintain fellowship with Christ who perfects us.
Your pursuit of holiness is not optional. Our pursuit of Christlikeness is a foundational aspect of the New Covenant. In this way we contribute to the preservation of our souls. (Hebrews 10:39)
From Your Fellow Servant,
Steven McFadden