At the end of his letter to the Colossians, Paul describes Epaphras’ prayers for them. It’s obvious he passionately desires for them to be spiritually mature and fully confident in the will of God.
This is the purpose or intention of this whole letter. We see at the very beginning Paul unpacks this same concept. He says that he and Epaphras are praying they would grow in spiritual wisdom and understanding so that they would please God with their lives.
This may not be a groundbreaking idea, but it is life-changing when we act on this concept. Our spiritual growth leads to a better understanding of who God is, his plan for us, and what he desires from us. This understanding means we can have assurance that we are honoring God.
This is vital. It’s not enough to rely on what others say is pleasing to God. You cannot trust people to know the heart of God. We see that consistently in scripture. Often, the religious elite did not have spiritual wisdom and understanding. They didn’t know the heart of God. Jesus says they were the blind leading the blind.
You need to be spiritually mature for yourself. Nobody can do this for you.
Understand, I am not calling for you to be more religious as people define religious. I am calling for you to know the heart of God. Those are not the same things.
People are fervently religious in all sorts of ways that do not reflect the heart of God and Christ. There is no power in that. The true power is found in understanding God and placing yourself within his will.
You need to dig into the teachings of Christ and his apostles and pray for spiritual wisdom and understanding. You are not studying to learn the words, but to know the Word. To know Christ and the father so that you can please him, living according to the Spirit and no other source.
It is then that you can have full assurance, a true confidence and hope. Is that not what you desire? It’s there for the taking thanks to Christ, but you need to pursue and take hold of it for yourself.
[P.S. If you are concerned about your lack of understanding, don’t let that keep you from seeking. Pray about that to God. He desires for you to have this spiritual wisdom if you desire it. Don’t give up! Continue to abide in the words of Christ. It will pay off.]
From Your Fellow Servant,
Steven McFadden