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Blessed Are The Peacemakers

Writer: Steven McFaddenSteven McFadden

Jesus tells us that peacemakers will be called sons of God.

When you study the beatitudes, you find that Jesus isn’t describing different groups of people. He isn’t saying that this group, because they are meek, will get the earth, and this group over here that is merciful will get mercy in turn. No, he isn’t dividing up the blessed. Instead, he is describing the blessed. These are all traits and characteristics that disciples of Christ should have and aspire to, as well as the blessings ascribed to these attributes.

I am pointing this out because many who bear the name of Christ act as if peacemaking is optional or something they are not interested in.

In Romans 12:18 Paul says, “if possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” Many take this text and are quick to point out that it is sometimes impossible to have peace with somebody determined to have conflict. That is true, it does happen. However, if you catch the context of what Paul is teaching, the emphasis is placed on you doing everything under your power to bring about peace. Do whatever you can to cause peace. Paul is teaching us to be a peace maker not an excuse maker.

What happens to the peacemakers? Jesus says they are called “sons of God.” But isn’t this actually a status that applies to all of those in Christ? Theologically it must apply to all disciples if we are in Christ (Gal. 3:26-27). So why does Jesus single out peacemakers? The answer is that Jesus is not singling out the peacemakers among his disciples, but instead he is saying all his disciples will be peacemakers. He is describing his true followers, those who live in and apply his word to their lives. He has called us all to make peace and we shouldn’t use excuses to push that calling aside.

From Your Fellow Servant,

Steven McFadden



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